[Archived] Comment Hall of Fame

NOTE: I tried to re-create the look of the forum as best as I could... I even managed to save some user profiles (!!). Otherwise, I couldn't find anything else... feel free to e-mail me at hotgirlnotfake69420@hottttmail.womp if you have any other stuff from the forum! - Brad.

posted 09:19AM 14/2/2000 in HI EVERYONE


Member since: 14.2.2000
Posts: 1
Comments: 2

Anyone here smoke weed?

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posted 11:07AM 14/2/2000 in HI EVERYONE


Member since: 2.12.1998
Posts: 74
Comments: 4580

What are you even trying to achieve here by baiting everyone?
We should start banning everyone with USA IP addresses at this point. All that inbreeding turned your brains into sludge.

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posted 11:08AM 14/2/2000 in HI EVERYONE


Member since: 14.2.2000
Posts: 1
Comments: 2

Suck me

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posted 10:03PM 7/1/2001 in Women


Member since: 4.7.1999
Posts: 320
Comments: 5693

Not ALL women are stupid. Most. But not ALL. Idiot.

-source: am one.

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posted 10:44PM 7/1/2001 in Women


Member since: 2.12.1998
Posts: 74
Comments: 4580

I'll believe you're female when they eliminate Income Tax.

Are you gay or something? Trying to bait men for attention like this? Are you lost? Is it necessary to mention that youre ~Totez a Gurl~ in every post? Obnoxious.

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posted 11:02PM 7/1/2001 in Women


Member since: 4.7.1999
Posts: 320
Comments: 5693

ROFLCOPTER cuck still pays income tax everyone get a load of this guy. you wanna say women are stupid but you all still let the gov mount you like this and come here to complain like babies. get a GRIP. besides if I was a guy i wouldn't be gay dumbass i would get way more women than you. keyboard warrior scared of me. youre below me moron

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