user details>>>M1L4N

Member since: 2.12.1998
Posts: 74
Replies: 4580
Last update: 19.08.2001

Don't PM me with stupid questions.

Don't PM me asking for personal information - thanks FBI man, I'll pass.

Don't PM me with a sob story about how much I hurt your feelings. Grow up. This is the Internet.

Don't send me Hot Singles in My Area. Trust me, I don't need your help with getting girls - I'm 185cm.

Don't send me chainmail or you'll be reported.

Don't spam me or you'll be reported.

Yeah I'm an "Internet Tough Guy." Whatever. Cry or laugh about it.

"It wouldn't pain me more to bury you rich / Than to bury you poor"


2X/M/Eastern Bloc




Uniforms (reconstruction and collecting), industrial music, art, leather, Cold War propaganda, Plattenbau, blondes, Russian literature, nuclear warfare, etc.

Currently listening to:

Front 242